Wednesday, December 30, 2009

TaTa 2009

Thought it had some rough patches I've certainly learned a lot this year. Ive learned the importance of being honest, how to be alone with myself, and the importance of family. My mom used to always say "be good to your family-- they are the only ones who will ALWAYS stick by you." I guess i never realized the significance of that statement until recently.

I really feel that I have come into my independence this year. I'm growing up and its a strange and wonderful feeling. I'm proud of myself and I fell that I am able to make some positive changes in the coming year. With that said here is my list of 2010 resolutions:

1. Be a better Blogger -- Ideally I would blog everyday or every other day, but I'm going to start out with a commitment i can handle and say that I will post every week and maybe that will turn into twice a week and so on. Id like to incorporate more photos of my own in my blog and some quality content. This is not a theme blog, I am all over the place. This is a blog about my life and that is a little scattered as well. There are blogs that I really look forward to reading and though there are very few of you who follow me Id like for my blog to be one that you look forward to reading as well. I am new to this but I really think it will get better with time, so hang in there with me while i figure out where I want to go with this.

2. Re-establish a regular yoga practice --There was a time when i was practicing yoga on the regular, but somehow that slipped away from me. Id really like to get back to waking up in the morning to some energizing poses and having a class that I attend weekly.

3. Clean Eating -- Since taking my job in July I find myself eating out a lot while I'm at work, not to mention the amounts of junk food being offered in the office all the time. Id like to get into the habit of packing healthy snacks and lunches and cooking myself dinners at night as opposed to going out all the time.

4. Log 5 workouts a week -- I feel better when I work out regularly, I have more energy, my mood is better AND my clothes fit better. I really enjoy working out, but somehow i always get hung up on the idea of going to gym and how daunting that can be. I need to harness that feel good vibe I get after a workout and tap into it when I'm feeling to lazy to hit up the gym (which is about 4 blocks from my house).

5. Tighten my budget -- In Sept. I went through the process of asessing where all of my money goes and writing myself out a budget that really works, now all i have to do is stick to it!

6. Go back to School -- This year i would like to get the ball rolling on finishing a bachelors degree in Psychology. I have a lot of goals for a masters degree and career goals but FIRST I need to finish a bachelors, which is going to require some BIG changes in 2010. It just doesn't seem plausible to stay at the job I'm at currently and go back to school, and since Id have to leave my job anyway Ive been looking at schools in....

7. Colorado -- Two very close friends of mine moved to Boulder in Sept. and are constantly raving about life in CO. I'm planning to move out there and become a full time student and enjoy a change. I'm young and single, If i dont make a big change at this stage in my life I don't know that i ever will. There is lots of planning and saving to do but my goal is to move out there by Sept/Oct 2010 and enroll in school by Jan 2011.

Happy New Year Everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck going back to school =] My friend goes to Boulder too and he loves it. And I look forward to reading your blog.
