Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October is Here.


This morning was a rainy mess, but i quite enjoyed it. A friend of mine commented on the day by saying "Autumn is here! The leaves are falling like a ticker-tape parade". His statement made me smile.

Id like to start cooking more. My roommate S made the most delicious creamy corn and vegetable soup last night. It was light and filling all at the same time, with a hint of dill that didn't over power. It inspired me. Id like to find a good pumpkin soup recipe and if any of you know of any you'd like to share with me it would me much appreciated.

Ive also been inspired to start some new projects. Along with the crochet blanket ill be starting for my friends baby, Id like to have a go at quilting. I think ill do some research at the library this weekend and see what i can come up with.

This weekend promises to be eventful. Its only Wednesday but I'm certainly looking forward to it. Saturday is the RISD art sale on Benefit St. which will be a great chance to start some Christmas shopping, but will most likely turn into shopping for myself. Ill be sure to post some pictures as its sure to be visually exciting. Also on Saturday night I have a wedding celebration for some friends of mine who go married in Vegas last month and now they are celebrating with friends and family in RI. Sunday morning i thought i would head down to Hopkington for Sunday morning meditation at Ananda. Ill have to research a good vegetarian potluck dish to bring with me. The Ananda Center is located on a beautiful farm in Hopkington RI, it is certainly a great place to get connected before the week begins.


  1. Definitely give quilting a try. I've been at it for almost 10 years and I'm not stopping anytime soon. Some of the quilts I've created can be found on my blog Flat Out Quilting

    I look forward to seeing your progress.

  2. Cook the pumpkin (steam or boil) puree, add double chicken stock to the ration 2stock to 1 pumpkin puree. Add finely chopped majoram and grated parmesan cheese. Salt and pepper. Deliscious.
