Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cats and Dogs.

Ive been dying to have a dog for the past 5 months or so. This is the first time in 4 years that i have lived in a house without a dog. My Ex-Boyfriend and I had a dog, Axl, together. When we went our separate ways he kept the dog because i moved into a house that had a dog already and that dog didn't get along with other dogs. I miss Axl often but have been comforted by living with a few different roommates with great dogs. Since moving in with S Ive been seriously missing the presence of a dog in my life.

I think about getting a dog of my own but i just don't think the timing is right, especially because I dream of having a big dog. Particularly a German Short haired Pointer. (see picture at right)

Our apartment is just too small for a large breed dog, and S is not too fond of dogs and I'm sure she would not have the patience for a puppy. So because having a dog of my own does not really make sense for me right now, S and I have been dog sitting our friends french bulldog, Hugo, on Thursday nights. Which means i have my little sausage face tonight and i couldn't be happier. Hugo is the friendliest, slobberiest, most playful little meatloaf and i thoroughly enjoy the time i get to spend with him. I'll be sure to post pictures next week on Hugo Thursday.

In other pet related news...

I found this photo today on a design blog. I'm sure it is meant to showcase the great furniture in the background. But i couldn't help but notice that this cat looks EXACTLY like S's cat Duff. Its been a rocky road for me and Duff, you see hes not exactly a people cat to be frank he pretty much hates everyone. Since S and I moved in together Duff has slowly but surely been getting friendlier and friendlier with me. I really started to fall in love with him when i recently got the first season of Mad Men on DVD and all I wanted to do was lie around in sweatpants and watch it. I think Duff had just as much of an obsession as I did, because suddenly he started laying on the arm of the couch right next to me and watching along with me. I'm not sure why Duff has started showing me his affectionate side, I think it has something to do with my taking an active role in feeding him, But I'm glad he has. Hes such a handsome guy. This morning i awoke to him jumping up on my bed next to me, I invited him to curl up under the covers and he declined. I guess we'll take it one step at a time.

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